10 Ways to Get Your Butt to the Gym

10 Ways to Get Your Butt to the Gym

Posted by Simple Girl on 10th Jan 2024

The thought of having a slammin’ body that would make Ryan Reynolds swoon is not even enough motivation to get me to the gym on a cold snowy day. You know…the kind of day where it would feel better to make a fire and drink a pumpkin spice latte while laying on the couch? So here are some of our top tips to get your butt to the gym.

How to make yourself workout and actually enjoy it:

  1. Just Get Dressed: Simply putting on your gym clothes is a HUGE step in the right direction.
  2. Create a Healthy Post-Workout Routine: Schedule a few extra minutes to sit in the steam room, grab your favorite healthy smoothie, enjoy a cold juice that's waiting for you in your car.
  3. Make a Date with a Friend or Trainer: We ALL know that we do better when we have someone there to hold us accountable. Even if it is just making an appointment to show up with someone, and then go do your own thing, making an appointment compels us to not skip.
  4. Get Your Workout Over With In the A.M.: Now, I know this may be the hardest one for many of us to hear, but we know that if we don’t do it early, the likelihood of it happening throughout the day goes down as each hour passes. So, get up an hour earlier and get to it!
  5. Watch Your Favorite Shows On a Treadmill at the Gym: Instead of going home to snuggle up on the couch and watch that latest episode of Scandal or Modern Family, hit the gym and watch it as you glide on an elliptical or run on a treadmill. Then you kill two birds with one stone.
  6. Try Something New: Whether it be a Zumba class or indoor rock climbing or even a trapeze class (I did one and it was so fun), try something…anything….new. It makes your body burn more calories because your muscles aren’t usually familiar with the movements. Plus, it gets you out of your same-ol’ routine.
  7. Get Cute for the Gym: Go buy some new workout clothes, throw your hair up, and put on a bit of lip gloss. It’s not a requirement to look like a rat when you go into the gym. If it will help you to feel better, dress it up a bit and hit the ground running!
  8. Reward Yourself: What do you get when you go to the gym 3 times per week for a month straight? What about when you lose 5 lbs? You decide what your rewards will be. Just make sure that your goals are attainable and that your rewards keep you moving in the right direction of a healthy, happy life.
  9. Join a Gym You Actually Like: Find one that has a nice locker room, cool people, and a clean facility that you enjoy.
  10. Track Your Progress and Have Attainable Goals: Don’t tell yourself that you have to lose 20 lbs in the first three weeks. Do some research to find out what a healthy weight loss pace is for your body, then set some goals that you can actually achieve!