​4 Incredibly Potent Stress Relievers You Can Do Today

​4 Incredibly Potent Stress Relievers You Can Do Today

Posted by Simple Girl on 17th Oct 2017

Stress is a major problem in many lives. While some stress is good — it keeps you motivated and on your toes — too much stress can cause a range of serious illnesses, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. It's also a major factor for substance use disorders, and it can lead to anxiety and depression, which further reduces your quality of life.

Busting your stress is essential for overall good health and a positive outlook on life. Even if your life is chaotic due to work, family, and everything else you have going on, or you're constantly worried about your finances or the state of the world, you can still do a number of things to reduce stress hormone levels on the spot for a calmer, more centered you.

Don't Forget to Breathe

Deep breathing is one of the best ways to combat stress. When you breathe deeply, the stress hormone levels in your body are decreased, and more oxygen gets to your brain. This one-two punch helps to lower your blood pressure and body temperature, reduce muscle tension and heart rate, and leave you feeling calmer and better equipped to handle whatever is coming your way.

A good breathing exercise to try is the 4-7-8 Breath, developed by esteemed physician Dr. Andrew Weil. You can do this exercise anytime, anywhere, and just three rounds will considerably reduce your stress on the spot. First, sit up straight, and place the tip of your tongue snugly behind your front teeth. Exhale completely, then inhale slowly through your nose to a count of four. Hold that breath for a count of seven. Open your mouth a bit, keeping your tongue where it is, and exhale to a count of eight, making a whooshing sound as you do it. And that's it. Repeat at least two times.

Move Your Body

Exercise is almost miracle-like in its ability to not only reduce acute and chronic stress, but to also help your body respond to stress better in the future. So, get out there and get active. Play tennis, go swimming, work in the yard, hit the gym, walk the dog, train for a marathon. You'll feel much better, and you'll reap all of the great benefits of exercise, which include weight management and disease prevention.

Find a Hobby

Hobbies relieve stress. They provide enjoyment, promote relaxation, and give you purpose and meaning. If you don't have a hobby, pick one up. It can be anything that puts you in a state of flow, which is when the time flies by and you're in a near-meditative state because you're so engaged and enjoying yourself so much. Try making art, playing on a sports league, sewing, cooking, gardening, building ships in bottles, or writing a book. It doesn't matter what your hobby is, as long as you're loving it.

Listen to Music

Listening to music has been shown in numerous studies to reduce stress quite effectively. Obviously, death metal isn't the ideal choice; something soothing is probably best. Whatever kind of music you love is what you should listen to. Listening to music can slow the heart rate, lower blood pressure, and decrease stress hormone levels. It can keep your attention, acting as a distraction while helping you explore emotions. Try listening to music in the shower, in the car, or on headphones while you go about your business.

Reducing your stress now, and learning how to keep it in check moving forward, is important for your overall good health and sense of well-being. And best of all, reducing stress is free and easy, and you can do it wherever you find yourself.