How To Maximize The Benefits Of Tea

How To Maximize The Benefits Of Tea

Posted by Simple Girl on 8th Nov 2016

Since its discovery over 5,000 years ago, tea has been one of the most popular beverages in the world. The four varieties of tea - green, black, white, and oolong - all come from the plant Camellia sinensis, and a cup of tea is a healthy choice, packed as it is with polyphenols and photochemicals that have proven health benefits. Whether you like it hot or iced, sweetened or not, in the morning or at night, sipping on tea will help improve your overall health.

Boost Endurance

Green tea contains catechins, a type of antioxidant, which increase the ability of the body to burn fat as fuel. The fuel-burning action contributes to improved muscle endurance. So, instead of reaching for the Gatorade before or after your daily workout, opt instead for a tall glass of iced green tea.

Fight Disease

Drinking tea may reduce the risk of heart disease, and it lowers your risk of developing various degenerative diseases. The potent antioxidants found in tea are known to protect against several types of cancer, including that of the colon, liver, prostate, stomach, and pancreas. Regular tea drinking is also associated with a decrease in the risk of developing Parkinson's disease in both women and men.

Slow Aging

Free radicals in your body can be reduced by the high amount of oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) found in tea. Free radicals have been linked to aging skin (i.e., wrinkles,) cancer, heart disease, and neurological degeneration.

Improve Brain Function

The caffeine in tea can help keep you sharp during the day, and the polyphenols in green tea have been shown to improve the function of the areas of the brain that regulate learning and memory.

Flavoring Your Tea

Tea is delicious as it is once you develop a taste for it, but there are some wonderfully refreshing ways to liven it up without adding sugar.

  • Add a few drops of vanilla extract to your cuppa, or chop up a bit of vanilla bean and add it to the tea while it steeps.
  • Add a few slices of citrus fruit to your tea, or squeeze some fresh lemon or orange juice into your cup.
  • Crush a bit of your favorite fruit - blueberries, strawberries, raspberries - and add it to an infuser. Let the tea steep a little longer to become infused with the flavors and nutrients.
  • Toss in a few sprigs of mint for an emotional pick-me-up.
  • Add the juice of a cucumber and a lime to a pitcher of iced tea for a super refreshing summer drink.
  • Pour a little coconut milk in your tea for an exotic flavor with a healthy twist.
  • To sweeten your tea, use good old golden honey.
  • Grate some orange peel and add it to your infuser, along with a few dashes of cinnamon.

The more tea you drink every day, the more health benefits you'll get from it. Three to four cups of green tea each day is a great way to boost your health and stay hydrated, and it's far more delicious than water and much better for you than soda and sports drinks.