What to Do if You Live With Someone That Snores Constantly
Posted by Simple Girl on 10th Jan 2025
Want to know what's worse than a snoring roommate? A snoring bedmate! When you sleep in the
same bedroom as someone who snores, sleep may elude you, and you
probably spend half the night kicking, shaking, and repositioning your beloved snorehound to get a few precious moments of silence before the human chainsaw starts back up again. Well, take heart, because there are ways to deal with it that don't involve violence, cursing, or moving to the couch.
Find the Root of the Problem
The best solution to your significant other's snoring is to get to the root of the problem and try to solve it. Two common reasons for excessive snoring are drinking alcohol too close to bedtime and being overweight.
Alcohol makes you snore more than normal, so try eliminating alcohol consumption within two hours of bedtime. If alcohol isn't the problem, consider weight. A solid exercise plan and a healthy diet may help reduce snoring, and it provides a number of other health benefits.
If cutting alcohol consumption and weight loss don't do the trick, you can always consult with a doctor that specializes in sleep to help you get to the root of the snoring problem. Your doctor may recommend a mouth piece, which many couples find tremendously helpful for creating a blissfully quiet sleeping atmosphere.
Change the Position of Your Bed
Bed positioning plays a big role in snoring problems. Many people find that a slight incline at the head of the bed helps reduce snoring. An easy way to elevate your bed is to place a wood block or two under the legs at the head of your bed.
Sleep More
Some people who snore may not be getting the sleep they need, and when you're particularly tired or sleep deprived, you tend to snore more. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep every night. If your mattress doesn't offer adequate support or comfort, consider investing in a new one.
Try Earplugs or a Fan
Earplugs are a godsend when it comes to a snoring partner. It's not the most ideal solution, because falling asleep with your ears full of foam amplifies the sound of your own breathing and rustling, and that takes some getting used to. White noise may help too, if your partner's snoring is light. A fan, a white noise machine, or even soft music may help. But if the snoring rattles the windows, no amount of white noise is going to help.]
Sleep in Another Room
When you've exhausted all your other options, including a visit to the doctor, you might just have to sleep in another room. Setting up a second room or camping out on the couch isn't exactly ideal, but good quality sleep is extremely important for your overall mental and physical health. Consistent poor quality sleep can interfere with your job performance, your general patience level, your relationships, and other aspects of your life.
Sweet Dreams!