Fat Free Balsamic Veg & Avocado Salad


Everyone together, say it with us, “eating healthy doesn’t have to taste bad”. Trust us on this one! There’s nothing better than a fresh, crisp, flavorful meal that is also beneficial to your health. You know that full/tired feeling you get after eating a heavy meal? Say goodbye! Food should not only taste good but also give your body the energy it needs to properly function.

Did you know that the reason you may not like the taste of healthy foods is because you’ve lost touch with your natural food instincts? When you feed your body only highly processed and packaged foods, your taste buds lose familiarity. The best way to reintroduce great tasting (and clean) foods is by taking small steps. For instance, swap out your daily candy bar for slices of green apple with peanut butter, plan meals you look forward to making, try veggies and hummus when you’re craving potato chips, and of course, try new clean foods (like our all natural, sugar-free dressings). It takes time, but recipes like these are great for both individuals who are already follow a clean eating plan and for those who are new to the game. Feel free to add veggies or swap produce out to please your palate. 

Check out a few of our fun tips & tricks to keep you motivated along your journey!

  • Create Pinterest boards to store your favorite recipes.

  • Have fun with your meals! Use spices & try different cooking styles.

  • Set small measurable goals that help you get to your overall goal.

  • Focus on being positive.

  • Pack healthy snacks to take with you on errands.

  • Try new foods.

  • Don’t let any setbacks keep you from meeting your goals.

  • Write down the reasons why you want to eat healthier.

  • Track your progress.

  • Do it with a friend!


Fat Free Balsamic Veg & Avocado Salad

(submitted by @healthyrecipes01)


Cooking Directions:

  1. Toss all ingredients together.
  2. Serve & enjoy!