
8 Tips For Stronger Nails

8 Tips For Stronger Nails

Posted by Simple Girl on 6th May 2019

Beautifully manicured nails are an important part of a great overall appearance. They can be an asset whether you deal with the social world or the business world. What exactly makes for good, stro … read more
5 Reasons to Laugh More

5 Reasons to Laugh More

Posted by Simple Girl on 23rd Apr 2019

"Laughter is the best medicine." Surely you've heard that before. Well, scientific studies confirm that good hearty laughter has observable health benefits.Whether it's after a good joke, spending … read more
5 Natural Remedies for Mosquito Bites

5 Natural Remedies for Mosquito Bites

Posted by Simple Girl on 17th Apr 2019

No one likes mosquito bites. At best, they are itchy and annoying. At worst, they expose us to diseases ranging from Zika to West Nile to Malaria. Unfortunately, science hasn't discovered why mosqu … read more
Our Top 5 Picks for Natural Makeup

Our Top 5 Picks for Natural Makeup

Posted by Simple Girl on 27th Mar 2019

The cheerful colors of your luscious lipsticks and beautiful blushes belie the toxic chemicals that lurk in most cosmetic brands. According to researchers, one in eight of the 82,000 ingredients us … read more