
5 Ways a Positive Attitude Helps the Sick

5 Ways a Positive Attitude Helps the Sick

Posted by Simple Girl on 12th Feb 2024

Numerous studies over the past 30 years have found solid connections between a positive outlook and better recovery rates. One recent study found that patients who went into surgery with a positive at … read more
10 Ways to Get Your Butt to the Gym

10 Ways to Get Your Butt to the Gym

Posted by Simple Girl on 10th Jan 2024

The thought of having a slammin’ body that would make Ryan Reynolds swoon is not even enough motivation to get me to the gym on a cold snowy day. You know…the kind of day where it would feel better to … read more
How to Create Quality Time with Your Family

How to Create Quality Time with Your Family

Posted by Simple Girl on 11th Dec 2023

Our society is one filled with very, very busy people. Even young kids are often booked up solid from morning 'til night with school, sports, play dates, clubs, and homework, and teenagers and adults … read more
5 Tips for Growing New Brain Cells

5 Tips for Growing New Brain Cells

Posted by Simple Girl on 10th Nov 2023

You might think that your intelligence is set in stone. You might think that you can't change how smart you are. But that's not true. Learning new things is a matter of time spent and work put in, not … read more